

Crowns services offered in Santa Ana, CA

Crowns provide an affordable and effective way to preserve damaged or severely decaying permanent teeth. At Livewell Dental in Santa Ana, California, James Sung, DDS, and the team use dental crowns to prevent further damage and encourage optimal oral health. To see if you’re a candidate for a dental crown, call the office today or book online.

Crowns Q&A

What are crowns?

A crown is a cap made of porcelain or another material that your Livewell Dental provider bonds on top of a decaying or damaged tooth. The crown restores your tooth to its near-original size and appearance while improving your biting and chewing abilities.

Why would someone need a dental crown?

At Livewell Dental, the team uses crowns for various reasons, including to:

  • Protect weak teeth
  • Restore broken or worn-down teeth
  • Cover dental implants
  • Cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth
  • Hold dental bridges in place

The team also uses crowns to complete root canal therapy. During a root canal, your dentist removes the pulp from the center of your tooth.

What is the process for getting crowns?

At Livewell Dental, getting crowns takes two visits spaced several weeks apart.

Your provider reviews your dental records, completes an oral exam, and takes a series of 3D digital X-rays. If you have a damaged or severely decaying tooth toward the back of your mouth, you qualify for a crown.

Your provider administers a local anesthetic, numbing your mouth, and carefully removes the damaged or decaying portion of your tooth enamel. Then, they take digital impressions of your tooth using an intraoral scanner. Your provider sends your scans to a nearby dental lab and covers your tooth with a temporary crown.

The dental lab uses your scans to create a custom crown made of porcelain or ceramic. When it’s finished several weeks later, you return to Livewell Dental. Your provider replaces your temporary crown with the permanent one and checks your bite. Then, they explain how to care for your dental crown.

What is recovery like after getting a crown?

After getting your dental crown, it’s normal to experience increased tooth sensitivity for a day or two. Bite and chew more gently than usual and drink plenty of water. Any discomfort should subside within a few days, but if your symptoms persist, contact the team at Livewell Dental.

How long do crowns last?

Dental crowns last 12-15 years* on average, but they can last longer if you take good care of them. The team at Livewell Dental recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and avoiding bad habits like biting your nails and opening packaging with your teeth.

Call Livewell Dental today to request a dental crown consultation, or click the online booking feature.

*Individual results may vary.