Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry services offered in Santa Ana, CA

Seek emergency dentistry if you lose a permanent tooth, have a severe toothache, or damage a dental restoration. At Livewell Dental in Santa Ana, California, James Sung, DDS, and the team provide same-day emergency dentistry to people of all ages. If you or a loved one needs prompt attention, call the office today or book online.

Emergency Dentistry

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry provides same-day treatment of severe oral health problems like knocked out or damaged permanent teeth. 

If you or a loved one has a dental emergency, visit Livewell Dental immediately. Making it to the office as soon as possible could mean the difference between preserving your tooth or needing an extraction.

What types of problems does emergency dentistry treat?

At Livewell Dental, the team uses emergency dentistry to treat various oral health problems, including:

  • Chipped and cracked teeth
  • Knocked out permanent teeth
  • Damaged dental restorations
  • Broken orthodontic appliances
  • Cuts that won’t stop bleeding
  • Tongue bites
  • Oral abscesses
  • Severe toothaches

You might also benefit from emergency dentistry if you get something stuck between your teeth, like a toothpick or a piece of dental floss.

What happens during an emergency dentistry visit?

At Livewell Dental, no two emergency dentistry visits are exactly alike. The team tailors the appointment based on your individual needs and oral health history.

Your provider asks about your symptoms, including when they started, if they’re worse during certain activities, like eating, and if you’ve tried any at-home treatments, such as taking over-the-counter pain medication.

Next, they complete an oral exam and take a series of 3D digital X-rays. After making an official diagnosis, your provider makes treatment recommendations. 

If you have infected tooth pulp, the team might perform a root canal. If you have a severely decaying tooth, you might need an extraction. The goal is to stop the pain, reduce the risk of additional complications, and provide lasting relief.

Is there any way to reduce my risk of a dental emergency?

There’s no way to prevent dental emergencies entirely, but you can reduce your risk by practicing good oral hygiene. The team at Livewell Dental recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting the office every six months for preventive teeth cleaning.

If you play contact sports or grind your teeth, the team recommends wearing a mouthguard or a night guard. These custom oral appliances are affordable and can prevent chips, cracks, and other types of damage.

Last, remember to avoid bad habits like nail-biting and opening packaging with your teeth. Your tooth enamel is tough, but it isn’t invincible.

Call Livewell Dental to receive emergency dentistry today, or click the online booking feature.